Open Journal System for Publication and Empowering Knowledge sharing by Universitas Widya Kartika


  • Seminar Nasional Ilmu Terapan (SNITER)

    The national applied science seminar (SNITER) activity is a scientific forum activity which is a form of scientific dissemination related to applied sciences.
    The clusters of applied sciences that were discussed included socio-economics, applied engineering (electro, architect, civil and informatics), and foreign language education.
    This activity was proclaimed by the Rector of Widya Kartika University and will be an ongoing annual activity in the future.

  • Jurnal Sistem Cerdas dan Rekayasa (JSCR), E-ISSN:2656-7504

    This journal is a Journal of Research Results and Community Service in the field of Electrical and Information Science. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Engineering is a journal published twice a year (April and October). This journal is supported by peer review to support the quality of the articles published. This journal tries to connect to the results of research and service activities between universities and practical knowledge in society, especially in the fields of applied technology engineering, electrical and information science and information systems which are not limited to the following research scope:

    1. Information Systems,

    2. Web Technology,

    3. Computer Networks,

    4. Artificial Intelligence,

    5. Multimedia.

    E-ISSN: 2656-7504

  • Anggapa Journal- Building design and architecture management studies

    Anggapa Journal: Building designs and architecture management studies is a medium of scholarly publication published by the Faculty of Engineering, Widya Kartika University Surabaya, in collaboration with Indonesia Architect Association of [IAI] East Java Region. It serves several goals i.e., being a medium of communication, dissemination and exchange of information, and a medium of publishing scholarly research in the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Anggapa Journal is published with the frequency of publishing two times a year, in April, and NovemberArticles can be accepted in 2 languages [Indonesian and English].

    Anggapa Journal: Building designs and architecture management studies cover general as well as specific issues in the field of Architecture such as (1) Theory, History, Architectural Design; (2) Architectural Science and Technology; (3) Urban Architecture and Design; (4) House and Housing Architecture; (5) Interior and Exterior Design and also civil engineering fields. (6)Structural Engineering, (7)Geotechnical Engineering, (8)Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, (9)Transportation Engineering, and (10)Construction Management


  • Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Kartika

    Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Kartika adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh LPPM Univ. Widya Kartika Surabaya untuk melaksanakan tri dharma perguruan tinggi.

    jurnal ini terbit 2 kali dalam 1 tahun (pada bulan Juni dan Desember) yang memiliki fokus dan scope di bidang pengabdian masyarakat.

  • Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin dan Sastra Inggris

    Jurnal Bahasa Mandarin merupakan jurnal elektronik  yang mempublikasikan karya tulis dan/atau hasil penelitian tentang bahasa Mandarin, pendidikan bahasa Mandarin, sastra Tiongkok, budaya Tiongkok dan budaya Tionghoa Indonesia serta sastra Inggris. berisikan kumpulan ide, kritik, ulasan, karya ilmiah di bidang-bidang pendidikan bahasa mandarin dan sastra inggris yang berwawasan lingkungan serta berkelanjutan. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Fakultas Bahasa Universitas Widya Kartika (UWIKA) Surabaya

  • e-Jurnal Kewirausahaan

    e-Jurnal Kewirausahaan merupakan jurnal elektronik yang berisikan artikel ilmiah, essay dan karya multidisiplin yang mengedepankan peran praktek dan jiwa kewirausahaan dan jurnal ini dikelola oleh Unit LPPM Universitas Widya Kartika (UWIKA) Surabaya.

    Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi:

    Ketua Penyunting: Muis Murtadho, S.E., M.M.

    Mitra Bestari

    Dr. Erna Ferrinadewi, S.E., M.M., Universitas Widyakartika Surabaya

    Dr. Drs.Ec. H. Muh. Syarif, M.Si., Universitas Trunojoyo

    Dr. Muflichah Erma Widiana, M.M., Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya

    Kampus UWIKA. Jl. Sutorejo Prima Utara 2/No. 1, Surabaya, 60113. Telp: 031-5922403 ext.111. Fax. 031-5925790. email: