e-Jurnal Kewirausahaan https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan <p>e-Jurnal Kewirausahaan merupakan jurnal elektronik yang berisikan artikel ilmiah, essay dan karya multidisiplin yang mengedepankan peran praktek dan jiwa kewirausahaan dan jurnal ini dikelola oleh Unit LPPM Universitas Widya Kartika (UWIKA) Surabaya.</p> <p>Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi:</p> <p>Ketua Penyunting: Muis Murtadho, S.E., M.M.</p> <p>Mitra Bestari</p> <p>Dr. Erna Ferrinadewi, S.E., M.M., Universitas Widyakartika Surabaya</p> <p>Dr. Drs.Ec. H. Muh. Syarif, M.Si., Universitas Trunojoyo</p> <p>Dr. Muflichah Erma Widiana, M.M., Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya</p> <p><br>Kampus UWIKA. Jl. Sutorejo Prima Utara 2/No. 1, Surabaya, 60113. Telp: 031-5922403 ext.111. Fax. 031-5925790. email: murtadho.muis@gmail.com</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> id-ID muis@widyakartika.ac.id (Muis Murtadho, SE., MM.) ict.uwika@widyakartika.ac.id (Agus Prayitno, S.Kom, M.T) Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Pengaruh Motivasi Konsumen Pada Partisipasi Co-Creation https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/488 <p>This study aims to empirically examine the factors of consumers' motives for participating in cocreation such as the influence of financial motives, hedonic motives, altruistic motives to empirically test the effectof co-creation participation. This study uses the research model of the expected value theory, namely howindividuals explain their beliefs to carry out an activity. This<br>study uses a quantitative approach. The sampling method used purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study found 324 respondents to online market places spread throughout Indonesia. Questionnaires are distributed boldly using Google Forms. The data analysis method uses PLS-SEM and uses Smart PLS 3 as an analysis tool. The results ofresearch in the Indonesian context show that hedonic and alturistic motives have a positive effect on co- creation. However, financial motives do not have a positive impact on co-creation.</p> Nadia Ingrida Kusumadewi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Nadia Ingrida Kusumadewi http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/488 Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisa Penerapan Konsep Akuntansi Hijau pada Hotel Hijau dengan Menggunakan Teori Pembelian Hijau https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/489 <p>The application of green accounting is being intensified in various parts of the world today. This application is intended so that businesses can change their business lines to become more environmentally friendly and implement functions that are more oriented towards a sustainable supply chain business in the future. This research uses the context of the city of Yogyakarta and<br>research is also conducted in hotels that have a green hotel concept and use TGPB as the basis of this research.</p> Diki Putra Setianto Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Diki Putra Setianto http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/489 Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Dampak Literasi Dan Efikasi Keuangan, Persepsi Risiko, Dan Pendapatan Terhadap Minat Investasi Mahasiswa Di Pasar Modal (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa FEBTD UNUSA) https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/490 <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of financial literacy, financial efficacy, risk perception, and income on students’s interest in investing in the capital market among student of the Faculty of Business Economics and Digital Technology, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya. The data used in this study were obtained from distributing questionnaires with certain criteria. A sample of 81 respondents was taken by purposive sampling method and using<br>SPSS 26 with a significant level of 0,05. The result of this study show that financial literacy has a positive effect on student investment interest, financial efficacy doest not effect on student investment interest, risk perception does not effect on student investment interest and income has a positive effect on student investment interest.</p> Nabilah Yolanda Sari Lubis, Dina Anggraeni Susesti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Nabilah Yolanda Sari Lubis, Dina Anggraeni Susesti http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/490 Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Likuiditas, Struktur Modal Dan Kepemilikan Institusional Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Manufaktur Di Sektor Industri Makanan Dan Minuman Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Tahun 2015-2021 https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/491 <p>The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of profitability, liquidity, capital structure and ownership on firm value in food and beverage manufacturing companies on the IDX for the 2015-2021 period. The research was conducted using a quantitative approach with secondary data types, namely the financial reports of companies in the food and beverage sector on the IDX for the 2015-2021 period. The samples in this study were 18 companies and were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that profitability has a significant effect on firm value liquidity, has a significant effect on firm value, capital structure has a significant effect on firm value and institutional ownership has a significant effect on firm value in the food and beverage sector on the IDX for the 2015-2021 period.</p> Nurul Inayah, Endah Tri Wahyuningtyas Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Nurul Inayah, Endah Tri Wahyuningtyas http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/491 Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Ketahanan Usaha Selama Pandemi COVID 19 Pada UMKM di Surabaya https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/492 <p>The Covid 19 pandemic which lasted 2 years has had a real impact on the Indonesian economy. Many businesses went out of business due to the Social Distance policy and the obligation to stay at home, and of course unemployment due to layoffs occurred a lot. MSMEs as one of the pillars of the economy are able to survive and even become one of the sectors that can be relied upon for economic recovery. This study aims to describe the phenomenon of MSME business resilience during the Covid pandemic, what are the sources of business resilience. Involving 5 resource persons of MSME owners with an average turnover of up to Rp. 7,000,000 per month, this qualitative research succeeded in finding 5 sources of business resilience, namely (1) Strong business motivation from MSME owners to consistently trade, (2) Understanding of MSME actors towards their customers, (3) Creativity and service innovation. (4) Good relationships with customers and (5) The use of social media for sales activities during the pandemic is an effort by MSME players to continue to follow health protocols and simultaneously serve consumers with quality products.</p> Rian Melianti, Erna Ferrinadewi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Rian Melianti, Erna Ferrinadewi http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/492 Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengambangan Ekonomi Masyarakat Berbasis Wisata Pantai di Pulau Gili Ketapang Probolinggo https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/493 <p>Gili Ketapang Island is a small island in Probolinggo Regency. This study aims to explore the potential for coastal tourism in improving the economy of the people on Gili Ketapang Probolinggo Island. The research method used in this study is using qualitative research so that tourism potential can be explored in depth to improve the standard of living of the people in the Gili Ketapang Probolinggo area. The results of this study are that the existence of a beach tourism village on Gili Ketapang Island, Probolinggo has a positive impact on development and increases income and added value for the community.</p> Arief Budiman, Muis Murtadho Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Arief Budiman, Muis Murtadho http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.widyakartika.ac.id/index.php/kewirausahaan/article/view/493 Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700