Pengaruh Motivasi Konsumen Pada Partisipasi Co-Creation
Kata Kunci:
Co-Creation, Motivasi, PartisipasiAbstrak
This study aims to empirically examine the factors of consumers' motives for participating in cocreation such as the influence of financial motives, hedonic motives, altruistic motives to empirically test the effectof co-creation participation. This study uses the research model of the expected value theory, namely howindividuals explain their beliefs to carry out an activity. This
study uses a quantitative approach. The sampling method used purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study found 324 respondents to online market places spread throughout Indonesia. Questionnaires are distributed boldly using Google Forms. The data analysis method uses PLS-SEM and uses Smart PLS 3 as an analysis tool. The results ofresearch in the Indonesian context show that hedonic and alturistic motives have a positive effect on co- creation. However, financial motives do not have a positive impact on co-creation.
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Nadia Ingrida Kusumadewi

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